Thursday, July 16, 2009


Haluuuuu ha..... everybody! Im back ....... Why i choose this title for my today entry because... is really bored!! WHole month of JULY 2009 's weekend GONE!!! Just because my big big big big BOSS the lady ordered whatever course or seminar or blah blah have to be held on weekend start friday & maximum will be end on monday. Gosh... is really tiring. Just like working your ass out 24-7. Luckily not 25-8.
So friends... if you can't reach for this whole month please understand this... :p kakakaka...
Im frustated too... Good news is im going to attend course in LANGKAWI next week for "Tatatertib" kind of course... ( macam lah aku ni ok sangat .. but at least tak kene tatatertib lagi lah )
Planning to QUIT my job ealier.. but now need to hold... pending.. planning tidak menjadi. Bak kater om-puteh " Kita merancang, Tuhan menentukan" . Sedeeehhhhh tau.... huhuhuhu....
Yang sonok nyer... every1 in my department have their nick name already.... kakakaka

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