Tuesday, September 23, 2008

OMG! Pls... Batal POSER!!!!

Is 2nd week of the holy fasting month for our Muslim friends. Well, Im fasting too :-p Follow lorrr.... nothing harm. We learn their culture & belives so they will do the same to us. Respect each other. WORLD PEACE!

Make today's story short. While I was prepare some amount from my pay to change new notes (duit raya) I noticed Mr.M keep counting his $$$$ infront all of us. After front pocket then took $$$ from left pant pocket after that $$$ right pant pocket. OMG! Show Off! Jesus & Allah please do something about this old creature that you've created! ( I'm praying like no tomorrow). Me & Coyotte (musang licin) went to the bank get new notes. We waited about 15min & my number been called. Sadly, all notes finished for today. The bank teller told us to come tomorrow morning at 9.30 morning. What a shocked, Mr. 'M' was sitting next to coyotte smiling like monkey get bananas. GATAL! + Bhurhuk Ruhperrr. i politely told Mr.'M' that bank out-of new note for today. He crinckle his ugly huge fat nose & say "have lot inside.... I can get it." Huhh.. such berlagak! We left him alone there.....

All of a sudden, we were shocked by Mr.M say..: " tengok ni.. saper kater takder... sayer dapat tukar... " Coyotte terbeliak! Me too! Guess what?! He has friend there & can get new notes easily. So he proudly & misai up said:" Asal tak cakap nak tukar, bagitau lah. Sayer boleh tukar kan. Nanti tulis berapa nak tukar. Sayer call kawan sayer ittew." I refused! Sorry! "Tak perlulah... I boleh tukar sendiri... esok pagi pun tak per... bukan banyak duit i ni pooonnn...." I so pissed! I know he like to make jokes.. but that was the most hilarious joke of the day.
"Kalau pun nak show off. Tak perlu depan orang yang tak heran! Moralnya, cara show-off macam itteww sesuai untuk orang yang tak EDUCATED & JAKUN + SAKAI sahaja... sekian terima kasih!" Gerammmmmmm....... Terus I BATAL puasa.. sebab gi makan kat MAMA's Kitchen.. hehehe :-p

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